Are Digital Locks Worth the Price? Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Door Locks

Are Digital Locks Worth the Price? Advantages and Disadvantages of Digital Door Locks

The decision to invest in a digital door lock depends on various factors, including your specific needs, preferences, and the level of security you desire. Here are some considerations to help you determine whether a digital door lock is worth it for you:


Advantages of Digital Door Locks:


Digital door locks provide keyless entry, eliminating the need for traditional keys. This can be more convenient, especially if you frequently lose or forget your keys.

Keyless Entry Options:

Many digital door locks offer various entry methods, such as PIN codes, key cards, fingerprint recognition, or even smartphone apps. This flexibility allows you to choose the method that suits you best.

Remote Access:

Some digital locks can be controlled remotely via a smartphone app. This feature is useful for letting in guests, monitoring access, or ensuring the door is locked when you're away.

User-Specific Access:

Digital locks often allow you to set up temporary access codes for guests or service providers. This is a practical feature for short-term access without compromising long-term security.

Security Features of Digital Locks:

Many digital locks come with advanced security features, such as tamper alerts, built-in alarms, and encryption protocols. Biometric options, like fingerprint recognition, add an extra layer of security.

Integration with Smart Home Systems:

Digital locks can be integrated into a broader smart home ecosystem, working in harmony with other connected devices like security cameras, lights, and thermostats.


Digital locks often offer customization options, allowing you to set schedules for automatic locking and unlocking, adjust sensitivity levels, and personalize access settings.


Considerations and Potential Drawbacks:

Initial Cost:

Digital door locks can be more expensive upfront compared to traditional locks. However, the cost may be justified by the additional features and convenience they offer.

Power Source:

Digital locks typically require a power source like various types of batteries. It's essential to consider the type of power source and factor in the need for regular battery replacements.

Technical Issues:

Like any electronic device, digital locks can experience technical issues. It's crucial to choose a reputable manufacturer with a history of reliable products and customer support.

Learning Curve:

Some users may find the transition to digital locks a bit challenging initially, especially if they are accustomed to traditional locks. However, most digital locks are designed to be user-friendly.


Ensure that the digital lock you choose is compatible with your door and meets any specific requirements like door material and thickness you may have.


In summary, a digital door lock can be worth it if you value the convenience, advanced features, and customization options they offer. Assess your specific needs, weigh the advantages against potential drawbacks, and choose a reliable product from a reputable manufacturer to maximize the benefits of a digital door lock.

Our executives at Main Hardware can help you assess which Digital Lock would suit you best. You can either fill up this form or give us a call on 18003138336.



Schlage is recognized as a leading brand in the smart lock market, offering a range of high-quality digital locks known for their proven track record, quality craftsmanship, and advanced security features. With a history dating back to 1920, Schlage has earned a strong reputation for reliability and durability in the security industry. The brand's user-friendly design, wide product range, seamless integration with smart home systems, commitment to innovation, and positive customer reviews contribute to its status as one of the best choices for those seeking a reliable and secure smart lock.



Drawback 1: Susceptibility to Cyber Threats

Despite their advanced security features, smart door locks are not impervious to cyber threats. As with any device connected to the internet, smart locks are vulnerable to hacking attempts, potentially compromising the security of your home. Cybercriminals with the requisite skills could exploit weaknesses in the lock's software or infiltrate your network to gain unauthorized access. To minimize this risk, it is essential to opt for a smart door lock from a reputable manufacturer such as Schlage. Brands like Schlage prioritize regular software updates and employ robust encryption measures to defend against potential hacking endeavours, reinforcing the overall security of your smart lock system.

Drawback 2: Dependency on Power Availability

An inherent drawback of smart door locks lies in their reliance on power. In contrast to traditional locks, which operate without electricity, smart door locks require a power source to function. In scenarios like the lock’s batteries depletion, there's a potential risk of being locked out of your own home. To address this concern, it is crucial to ensure that your smart lock features a backup power option, such as a physical key override or a separate battery backup system. Regularly monitoring battery levels and having spare batteries on hand can also help alleviate the impact of this drawback.



When comparing digital locks and old traditional locks, there are several factors to consider. Let's explore the key differences between the two:

  1. Security: Digital locks offer advanced security features that traditional locks may lack. They often incorporate encryption technology, multi-factor authentication, and anti-tampering mechanisms, making them more resistant to picking, cutting, or brute-force attacks. Traditional locks, on the other hand, rely on physical keys, which can be lost, stolen, or duplicated.
  2. Convenience: Digital locks provide convenience and flexibility. They can be operated through various methods such as passwords, key cards, biometric scans, or even smartphone apps. This eliminates the need for carrying multiple keys and allows remote access control. Traditional locks require physical keys, and if you misplace them, you may face inconvenience and the need for a locksmith.
  3. Access control: Digital locks offer enhanced access control capabilities. You can easily manage and restrict access to specific individuals, set time-bound access permissions, and monitor entry logs. This is particularly beneficial in commercial or shared spaces where you want to maintain tight control over who enters certain areas. Traditional locks provide limited control and require manual key management.
  4. Integration and automation: Digital locks can seamlessly integrate with smart home or office systems. They can be connected to home security systems, CCTV cameras, and automation devices, allowing for more comprehensive control and monitoring. Traditional locks operate independently and do not offer such integration capabilities.
  5. Maintenance: Traditional locks require regular maintenance, such as lubrication and occasional repairs due to wear and tear. Digital locks generally have lower maintenance needs, although they may require occasional firmware updates or battery replacements, depending on the specific model.
  6. Cost: Digital locks tend to be more expensive upfront compared to traditional locks. However, the cost can vary depending on the brand, features, and level of sophistication. Traditional locks are typically more affordable but may come with additional costs if keys are lost or if rekeying is needed.


    In summary, digital locks provide enhanced security, convenience, access control, and integration options, but they come with a higher price tag. Traditional locks, while simpler and more affordable, may lack the advanced features and convenience of their digital counterparts. The choice between the two ultimately depends on your specific needs, preferences, and budget.

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